Thursday, July 23, 2009

Laugh often and much

I think that most people will agree with the often repeated slogan which says, "Laughter is the best medicine". Indeed, humour can do wonders to our body what "pills" cannot.

Do you know that there is a Chinese proverb which says, "Laugh 3 times a day and you can throw your medicines away!"

The way to have a happy life is, "Take God seriously but take yourself lightly". And that's from the learned.

When humour hits, don't restrain yourself. Indeed, a hearty laugh is invigorating and soul-refreshing.

So, take time off often in the day to unwind, let your hair down and loosen up a little.

Read a humorous story, see a funny video, listen to a joke or share one with a friend.

Enjoy the lighter side of life even if it is for a short while. It is good for you.


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