Thursday, February 26, 2009

You, me and my Blog

When I started this Blog in December 2008, that’s about 3 months’ ago; my object was 4 fold namely:
(1) to have fun,
(2) to laugh,
(3) to reinvent myself, and
(4) to make the last of my years the best of my life.

I only had a vague idea on what form it will take but I honestly had no idea how it would run and especially on what?

I may not have as yet, arrived at my lofty objectives, but I think I am getting close. Every time I raked my mind to find something interesting to post, that to me is a wonderful experience.

Intellectually, I must say, it is very satisfying to be able to put up something that’s highly original and enriching not only to your own self but also to others.

When a person writes honestly, he not only reveals his mind, I think he also reveals a part of his inner self, i.e. his soul and his beliefs.

His style and the expression he uses probably speak volumes of his intellect and character. More often than not, his mood will probably also show.

No matter how hard he tries, he finds it difficult to hide the truth (about him). The more he writes, the more it shows.

But what’s wrong with this revelation, if there is nothing embarrassing to hide? In fact, the revelation may actually do him a lot of good and perhaps will earn him the kind of respect which otherwise could not be earned any other way.

Sadly however, isn’t it true that people are more interested in the article, in its content, rather than in who the author is? Not many dig further, unless your writing wins wide acclaim or becomes a celebrated literary piece isn’t it?

No wonder there are so many people out there these days, who still pen under an unknown name such as “Anonymous”. I personally don’t encourage it unless you are in the secret service or something like it.

I must say it’s fun to have your own Blog. Collecting memoirs, listening to good music, poking fun at this and at that, researching, and writing one’s thoughts away and have you to read them, can make one feel happy and young again. Try it, and then you would know.

Frankly, unless you really need money, I wouldn’t trade all the employment in the world for the great time I am spending here, “clicking away freely and merrily” in my retirement years.

Now, who says retirement is a bore and is to be feared? Certainly, a well earned retirement isn't.

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