Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It's going to be alright

I said in my earlier write-up (Last 10 Years), the world is not in good shape, politically, socially as well as environmentally. In each of these, I think we only disagree on the level of degradation.

Even as I write, the deadly and monstrous bushfire in Australia that already took more than 200 human lives, continues unabated. The inferno appears unquenchable. Not only are human lives and homesteads at risk, but the environment may be scorched and scarred beyond repair.

Politically, we see nation continues to rise against nation. A good example is the Middle East conflict where even powerful peacemakers dare not risk any change. Man continues to be at war with each other, and peace is at best, a far-fetched commodity. Look at Africa e.g. what's happening in Sudan, Somalia and Zimbabwe?

Socially, there is latent unrest and anxiety resulting from the fallout of the economic downturn all over the world. Recession and unemployment on a unprecedented scale, are slowly but surely creeping in. All nations will be hit one way or another as we live in an interdependent world. There appears to be no escape.

Therefore, it is not surprising that more and more people are turning to God and religion for solace. In the midst of all the upheaval in the world, it is good to know that there is a God who still cares. And if you believe in Him, it is going to be alright. And like what's printed unmistakenly on every American Dollar note, it's about time we walk the talk: In God we trust, shouldn't we?

Together, let's hear Sara Groves sing to us this beautiful song of comfort and victory, "It's going to be alright".

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