Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Will and Grace of God

I have a magnetic tag stuck on my fridge which has these words on it:

“The will of God will never lead you…where the grace of God cannot keep you.”

The words are comforting and I would run to it in times of trouble to find the comfort that only God can give.

Funny how this simple “truth” when absorbed can lighten one’s burden and bring about a peace that’s beyond human understanding! It’s like a balm that takes the hurt or pain away.

If we live life with a lot of guilt (of sins past and present) we will never be happy. You know, it has been said, “Real happiness comes from inside, nobody can give it to you.”

Always remember that we are all but human beings, we make mistakes and nobody’s perfect. I guess God made us this way so that we can turn to him whenever we are down for the peace and happiness which we seek but in our living find they so often elude us.

Let me give you another of Reba McEntire’s songs and this one is one of my favorites. It’s entitled, “One promise too late”. There is so much fire in her voice, and the lyrics wow so much meaning. See her live (performing), she is awesome!

Let the streaming finishes in full then replay to appreciate this beautiful song. Thanks to “SinginPrincessLaura” for bringing it to us. Enjoy.

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