Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Power of Love

This picture speaks a thousand words. Look closer and you’ll see what I mean.

I think it is Martin Luther King Jr. who was reputed to have said, “Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.”
Indeed, I think love can still do that.

I wonder too, if this is what Jesus meant when he said, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you…” (Matthew 5:44)

To say that we humans are not capable of doing that is to accept defeat in our face before we even try, isn’t it?

You know, the glory of Christianity is to conquer by forgiveness and love. There is nothing unlawful about it.

In fact I think that is good and any religion which ignores it has no future.

This piece which describes the power of love came in the email from a friend. It is an interesting read, so let me share it with you.

The Power of Love

Intelligence without love makes you perverse.
Fairness & Justness without love makes you inflexible and stern.
Diplomacy & Tact without love makes you a hypocrite.
Success without love turns you arrogant.
Wealth without love makes you mean and tight-fisted.
Poverty without love makes you capricious.
Authority & Power without love leads to tyranny.
Labor without love turns you into a slave.
Naivety without love deprives you of values.
Prayer & Worship without love turns you into an egotist.
Faith without love turns you into a fanatic.
Bearing your cross in life without love becomes a terrible burden.
Life without love loses its meaning!

The Bible tells us further: Love is patient, love is kind…; it is not self-seeking, it keeps no record of wrongs... (In fact) Love never fails.(1 Cor 13: 4-8)

Here’s Celine Dion with that great song, “The Power of Love”. Enjoy.

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