Friday, January 2, 2009


New Year Resolutions can be bad for you, screamed one headline in a London newspaper. There is indeed some wisdom in what is said.

The British Mental Health Charity “Mind” warned just yesterday that making self improvement New Year resolutions often leaves people feeling worse for when we failed to achieve our resolutions, that could spark feelings of inadequacy, failure and remorse. Think about it, how many New Year resolutions which we had before really made good?

New Year resolutions are like anything else, you get out of them what you put in. Like we always say, “This year, it’s going to be different!” but will it? We’ve got to ask ourselves, are we putting enough in so that we can achieve the difference?

Well, you and I are not the only ones who often fall behind (our resolutions). The UN is even worse. They are infamous for making resolutions, one after another, but how many of their resolutions have they been able to achieve?

I have stopped making New Year resolutions per se. They are meaningless if I have no intention whatsoever to achieve them. Instead, I will think positively about the year to come and what I can achieve modestly.

I want to focus on being active, connecting with nature, learning something new and working for one’s community.

In short, the advice is just BE YOURSELF, a self that's humble, reliable and friendly; and I think the world will be at our feet.


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