Saturday, January 17, 2009

"Balik Kampung" or Going home

The “migration” from the cities to their respective hometowns of the Malaysian Chinese has begun as Chinese New Year beckons. We Malaysians, have come to call it the “Balik Kampung” syndrome.

By the end of next week, the cities especially Kuala Lumpur will be quite deserted as most Malaysians of Chinese origin will be making their way back to their old hometowns. It is an annual affair, like a ritual performed by the faithful, every year come this time around.

It’s going home for many of us and we just can’t help reminiscing the difficult and eventful year that had just passed! Doesn’t that bring a tear or two to our eyes?

Thank goodness, if we survived the political upheaval, the market meltdown and the economic downturn with not too many scars, consider we are the lucky ones!

To the Malaysian Chinese, the event, which mustn’t be missed, is to be home on time with our loved ones for the very special and meaningful “reunion dinner” which is on Chinese New Year’s Eve itself.

It is also a time to pay homage to your elders and to seek forgiveness from the loved ones you have caused hurt.

Noticeably on Chinese New Year Day, it is a time to give (if you are already married) and a time to receive (if not married) “ang pows” (red packets with money inside) signifying good fortune and a blessed future for both the receiver as well as the giver. Children, who are naturally on the receiving end, just love these. Oh, how we wish we were young again!

Indeed, it is a time of celebration and big feasts to welcome the first day of Spring, which falls on Chinese New Year Day itself. No doubt, a time of great rejoicing for the Chinese!

Here’s wishing everyone celebrating, a Happy, Safe and Joyous Chinese New Year. May the coming year be one of your best if not the best ever. Cheers!

I shall leave you humming to the melody of these 2 beautiful songs (local hits) by our very own Sudirman, remember him?

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