Sunday, January 4, 2009

Joy of writing

Thought I would publish this piece which I wrote some time in July last year as an email to some friends. It’s entitled “The Joy of Writing”. Hope you like it.

Friends, if I am boring you with this, go hit the delete button, if not read on…

To many of us, writing is so difficult to do. Actually, I think it is not.

Writing, even speaking, they all flow from the mind. It’s your thoughts or simply just your “plain thinking” that’s either vocally or visually expressed. It’s not the writing part that’s difficult, but it is the thinking.

Did you know that Dr Kenneth MacFarland in a survey in the US found that "only 2 percent of the people think, 3 percent think they think and 95 percent would rather die than think!"

Now I can understand why Henry Ford said a long time ago, “Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it.”

You will write well, even speak well on anything when you take time to think through an issue regardless whether it’s simple or difficult. Sadly and as pointed out above, there are not many “thinkers” amongst us.

It's funny but true, if most people were asked to say what they are thinking, they would be speechless! We are plainly too lazy to think.

If you can think clearly and can dissect an issue, any issue for that matter, why not write it down as soon as possible and share. You know, thoughts come and fly away very quickly. If you don’t catch them and tie them down in that instance, the irony is that they may never come back.

The pleasure of seeing your thoughts expressed in print right before your eyes even for your own consumption is indescribable, what more when your “print” is displayed for public reading and review. I believe with good writing comes that “philosophical joy” that’s second to none.

There is another aspect to this “pleasure”. When your thoughts are written down, it is always there for you whenever you needed it. It can be like “a faithful companion to you for life” so to speak.

The beauty is that you can form a collection when you have written many different kinds of pieces. This can then become a consuming hobby, which at worse is an enjoyable if not and enriching and interesting one.

Without doubt, you can leave “your writings as a legacy” for your children if not, for your grandchildren. Ever thought that someday, some child will stumble over it and read your writings and be so enthralled by what you said or did?

You must have heard the saying which is probably true that a man must do 3 major things in life to be remembered, i.e. he should during his lifetime (1) plant a tree, (2) bear a son, and (3) write a book. Ask yourself, if you have not done any of these, when are you going to start?

You can write on anything, let your mind float like a butterfly and when it settles down, your thoughts will crystallize, and this piece could be the result.

When your mind is full, it’s a lot like a cup; when it’s full, it overflows. When it does, the advice is don’t waste it. Why not let others catch and enjoy the spills?

Nowadays, with the computer and the word processor, it’s very easy to write. Your thoughts are just a few clicks away! Keep clicking and tapping if you know what I mean, and you could probably keep your doctor at bay!

Think of something interesting to write, it could be on current affairs (national or world), your faith or your walk with God, the universe and human life, the economy, politics, glimpses of your own life experiences or encounters, outings and adventures, even relationships. The topics are literally endless.

What you are rambling or mumbling about, for God’s sake, write them down. It will “take the heat away” and you will be so glad you did!

The advice is of course, try to be original and write with a sense of humour. Something of your very own that not only you but others will find refreshing and stimulating.

Who says you don’t have what it takes to succeed, even in writing? The power is actually inside you. All you need to do is, as Management Gurus teach us, “unleash the power within”.

See you real soon and have a nice day!

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