Thursday, November 24, 2011

A father's birthday wish

A letter from my heart, to share. Happy reading.

The other day my adult and only daughter phoned and asked, "Pa your birthday is coming soon, what can I get you?" I was caught quite unprepared, so I said half-jokingly, "Oh well, my computer which is more than 5 years old crashed the other day. Although I got it restarted by reformatting it myself (I lost all unsaved datas unfortunately as I was a novice) it is still working on old hardware and outdated software. I would love to have it replaced with a new table-top PC with a larger screen (monitor)."

She replied almost instantaneously in the affirmative, "consider it done Pa when I see you next"! I gulped because that's going to be quite expensive and I had no intention whatsoever to burden her. On second thoughts, perhaps a new Swatch (wrist-watch), one of those less expensive ones would have been more appropriate to ask.

To think about it again, there is nothing money will not buy out of fatherly or daughterly love but as a father I shouldn't be seen (or heard rather) abusing that privilege or should I? You tell me.

There is some truth in the saying, "Anyone who says money can't buy happiness......does not know where to shop!" Really?

On the other hand, you know sometimes it's better not to have the things you crave for. As Bertrand Russell had put it a long time ago, "To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness." Isn't that still true nowadays, but I wonder?

There are of course things in this life that truly matter which money cannot buy. Some are quite obvious (like friendship)and some not so.

I was just thinking what are some of those things that I want which cannot be bought or gift wrapped. I can name three which I think are most important.

They are 'faith', 'hope' and 'love'. In the end, my computer and my wrist watch will surely go foul but I believe faith, hope and love are the things that will prevail and will outlast this lifetime, wouldn't you think so too?

Why faith?
For myself, I want faith. Faith enough to see light in even the bleakest of situations. Faith enough to believe that goodness and godliness will prevail in the end.

Why hope?
For my loved ones I want hope. Abundant hope. Hope in tomorrow. A hope that helps them believe that there will be a future of better times ahead so they can take that next step with courage.

Why love?
For my world and in particular my family and community, I want love. For I believe that the solutions to most of our biggest problems will only be found when we learn to love each other as well as to love our neighbours as ourselves, much like one big family under God's rule on earth. And when we do get there the world will become a better place, no more wars, no more crime in the streets, no famine nor turmoil, only justice and helping-hands everywhere, a world that's at last at peace with itself, a world in which we can come to love and be loved. How sweet!

Now can you see and do you also want some of those things that money can't buy? Indeed, those could be the greatest gifts of all that any man could wish for on his birthday. But alas, I think only God can give them and in his time! I just hope it isn't too much to ask.

Meantime, like any human father I look forward to my daughter's gift for my birthday (whatever it might be) with great anticipation!


The world is pretty

Pic: Eagle's Nest in Berchtesgaden, Bavaria

The world is pretty and I would say in no uncertain terms that life is certainly worth living. There's so much to do, so much to see and so little time left to indulge.

We enjoy all that exterior which Mother Nature has given but we often forget that there is an inner beauty (in all of us) more precious than eyes can see, a beauty which displays who we actually are, a man of God or a man of the world.

A man of God bears the fruit of the Holy Spirit which is
and self-control,

These are virtues that only God can give. But non of these virtues were spoken for the man of the world.

A man without God is (more often than not) consumed by self-righteousness, pride, envy, power, greed, and all things ungodly that only this world will give.

God abhors sin yet God will forgive sinners who come to him.

Truly, no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him. (1 Cor 2:9)

The beauty of Mother Nature, indeed many of its wonders are still a mystery to Man. When Creation calls and if you can see what is your response? As for me, I believe. Wouldn't it be nice if we share in this belief?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Lessons from John Chapter 9


I was reading John 9 (Jesus heals a man born blind) and as I meditate on it, I couldn't help thinking of these issues which if you don't mind, allow me to share.

The whole chapter (41 verses) is devoted to that incredible story, a familiar story that's worth reading again. In the earlier chapters we were told Jesus was teaching his disciples but was slowly revealing more and more of himself, his power and his mission. What is God telling us in this particular story in Chapter 9 of the Gospel of John?

As I see it, there were 5 principal parties involved namely (1) Jesus himself as the Son of Man (2) the man born blind (3) his parents (4) the temple authorities namely the Pharisees (5) The witnesses: the disciples who were with Jesus at the time, the blind man's neighbours and all those who knew him.

This is not a parable but an actual historic event to demonstrate among others, the power and discretion of God. A miracle performed that day on a man born blind who was destined to see. Why God chose this particular man is anybody's guess. No name was recorded. We were not told how he felt when he was blind, whether secretly he had ever begged God to intervene but when he could see, he believed and worshiped Jesus who had healed him.

The impact of that transformation must have far reaching consequences for Jesus disciples (like strengthening their faith for instance) and other lay-witnesses all of which should have contributed to increased numbers of Jesus followers. I am sure it did.

But not so with the temple authorities namely the Pharisees (although it was reported some were divided in their assessment of the case). What about his parents? It was said the parents were afraid to be "put out of the synagogue" and therefore did not confess God when they had their chance. How sad but even so that can happen to some of us even today.

How did Jesus feel about all this? Jesus' saving grace and compassion on one ordinary man simply irked the authorities. Man's pride throughout the ages hasn't changed much, has it? He took the opportunity to rebuke the authorities of his day because they had become spiritually blind and any good thing not sanctioned by them was seen as a threat to their power or greed which they continually used to suppress those they rule.

The story is long, has many twists but sweet. Suffice for me to testify that God is patient and compassionate. He wants us to know that with Him miracles do happen (even today) and blessed are those who believe in Him and acknowledge that with Him all things are possible. But God's judgment will await all those who can physically see but remain spiritually blind due to pride and wrong decisions. Restoring the eyes of blind men is a miracle to Man but I think to God it's all in a day's work!

Let's give Jesus his due. I had my sight (physically) restored recently. So I can echo those same words. One thing I do know. I was (literally) blind once but now I see.

Go, read and enjoy John Chapter 9 your goodselves! See especially the blind man's courageous stand that's recorded in verses 30-33. Indeed, if this Son of Man is not from God how could he open the eyes of a man born blind?

Let's listen to this beautiful piece of music entitled "Creation Calls" by Brian Doerksen, view below or use this link to take you there.

Like you, I came, I saw and I believe. Praise the Lord.


Monday, September 19, 2011

A book called "The Legacy Effect"

Photo courtesy

A friend gave me a book to read recently and after reading it I wrote this piece which I shall now share with you as follows.

A synopsis of “The Legacy Effect,” a book written by Adam Ginsberg, just a brief from me.

To start with let’s understand this first.

The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines “legacy” as “money or property that is given to you by somebody when they die.”

Somewhere else it is defined as a gift of personal property by will, or something handed down or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past. A good synonym would be inheritance or endowment.

There are of course many novels written about “legacy” but this one by Adam Ginsberg is somewhat different. It looks at one particular kind of legacy that in the author’s mind has undoubtedly the greatest effect or impact on its inheritor’s (or beneficiary’s) life.

He is not talking about an inheritance of any monetary kind which as we all know will diminish or dissipate one way or another with time but believe it or not, an inheritance of a kind that even time will not destroy nor devalue. It has the effect to continually transform lives. You might ask what it is (?)

It is the ageless “wisdom or lessons” gleaned from a life well-lived that are left behind for another to emulate. Yes, that’s the kind of legacy which will have the greatest effect /impact on lives, right? No doubt it will be a challenge to many of us, if we want to follow it.

The challenge is of course don’t just leave a legacy of money or property, but leave behind something that outlasts time, something that can become your beneficiary’s companion for a whole lifetime and even beyond without ever losing its lustre.

To be able to leave such a legacy, a legacy that’s truly an inspiration or a constant life-encourager for those who come after us, firstly I think we have to be successful with our very own lives, and perhaps not only that but we need to finish well too. How else can we mentor, teach or become a good role model if we can’t achieve that, or at least for that matter, come close to it? For if you're not a good or worthy example, who will buy?

Further, memoirs and/or wisdom obtained from life lessons have to be written down (documented) if they are to be tapped or be of any use to anybody. So my advice is that if you have lessons or wisdom learnt from life experiences (thru’ successes or failures), don’t neglect to pen them down on paper and leave it as a legacy for who knows someday, someone such as your great-grandson or another might stumble over it and benefit from it.

You know, I think it’s not wrong to say generally that as parents we find it hard to reach out to our children (our next generation, the Gen Y, for they think they know all, right?). We have all the good advice gained from a lifetime of careful living to pass on but I don’t know why there appears to be no willing takers from that generation, very few anyway. I don't know about you but that's my experience.

It has been said and I quote, “Every generation revolts against its fathers and makes friends with its grandfathers.” I find that very true even today.

Somehow, I think we can communicate better with our grand-children than it is with our own children. They (our grandchildren) will listen more to us. And if you can live long enough to see great-grandchildren around you, the respect and interaction you’ll get I think is even better.

The story related in Adam Ginsberg’s book is exactly about a legacy of wisdom left behind by a highly successful self-made man for his unintended but beloved great-grandson. In the story, there seems to be a fated and an unbroken bond between them that’s not quite comprehensible.

That wisdom was written down in the form of letters packed inside a time capsule and stuffed in some old chest together with a heap of gold coins, jewels and other memorabilia. The benefactor willed that the box was to be opened on his 100th anniversary in front of all his beneficiaries and each was entitled to take an object which was right and had held the most meaning for their lives.

The time capsule containing the dead man’s letters, which no other beneficiary paid much attention to, fell by fate into the hands of his only beloved great-grandson.

And you know what, the old man’s letters effectively transformed the life of this young man. He arose almost suddenly in his lack-lustre career from being a nobody to a somebody in the market place.

We are told for quite a while he was down in the doldrums and like many in that time of their career caught up in the rat-race, didn’t quite know what to do with the rest of his life until the wisdom from his great-grandfather literally spoke to him.

The legacy-effect was phenomenal. Inspired by the old man’s wisdom, he didn’t take “no” for an answer anymore and followed up with a confidence and a zest, a Spirit-filled attitude that wasn’t there in the first place and this changed the whole course of his life. He went “up the organization” literally overnight! That’s how powerful the old man’s legacy was.

In conclusion, it would be my folly if I fail to share the gems of that wisdom gleaned from the legacy of this great-grandfather. There are altogether 9 of them. For keepsake, let me lay them out to you as follows. The truth as you can see in every one of them is timeless.

1. Do not believe in misconceptions.
2. If something is important to you, never quit.
3. Be the trendsetter.
4. Do not be hasty in saying no.
5. Have the fortitude to stay true to your beliefs.
6. Nurture your community.
7. Be specific in what you ask for.
8. Embrace all opportunities.
9. And above all, share the wealth.

Bravo! That's pretty good advice, don't you think?

It took me all-in just about 3 hours to read this book by Adam Ginsberg, although the duration was not in direct succession but more correct to say I did it in 3 breaks of roughly one-hour each. Thanks to Chris for sharing this book with me.

It of course took me about another 2-hours to pen this review (synopsis), with my thoughts added to it as a first draft and another hour or so more to refine it.

Someone did said, “Easy reading is damn hard writing.” Indeed, I would agree with that. But if nobody writes or speaks, how can we be enriched, intellectually speaking?

Adam Ginsberg’s book is a easily readable book with only 11 short chapters (134 pages), a fiction nonetheless, although I wish the story was true. It contains marvellous wisdom condensed in a story format but that's realistic enough even for real life. Go get one and read it yourself and be blessed.

I shall leave you with this song. Click here to hear Alan Jackson sing the beautiful hymn "What a friend we have in Jesus". It's an oldie but still a goodie and I hope you'll like it.


Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Senior Camper’s Story

I recently attended a senior’s camp organized by a local church. It was a first for PJEFC and was held at Harvest Haven, Gopeng from 4-6 July 2011. Gathered together were about 40 of us.

A shorter version of this story with pictures from the camp can be viewed by going here.

My Memoirs:
3 wonderful days of exhilarating fun and friendship, of teaching by and learning from our very own peers, and of experiencing God in a way like no other! That’s how I would describe the recently concluded PJEFC Seniors Camp 2011.

Harvest Haven which is in Gopeng is a quiet and insignificant place, hidden from the public view, a purposefully-built “hideout” on a piece of land which was a part of what is left of an old oil-palm estate. This was the venue where all that took place, far from the maddening crowds among whom we live.

It was a near perfect setting. What a better place than this: to gather the seniors of PJEFC into the tranquility of the country if not for anything, to see the flowers, birds and the trees!

We could even see a couple of domesticated dogs playfully teasing each other and while we were not watching, did you know what they did? Yes, they would disappear with a random piece of somebody’s shoes, a slipper or one half of a pair of socks and their ‘naughtiness’ (the dogs) would unknowingly to them, hold their ‘victims’ in ‘quiet despair’. But I think that didn’t trouble us much and we were able to enjoy our stay to the fullest.

God had blessed us with good weather all the 3 days without end. The sun arose every morning and there was no rain. So we could carry out the outdoor bonding activities in high spirits as well as in a distinctive style and comradeship.

Outdoors, the gathering was held in a quick makeshift grass-patch; imagine we played 3 team-games (much like tele-matches but on a scaled down format for seniors). One of our younger sisters in-attendance Christine even took us all thru’ what was truly a creative and enjoyable exercise session known as “praise-dancing” (certainly to us seniors that was something new and something different in Line-dancing!) It was fun, to say the least.

Indoors, from Day-1 after a fantastic opening thru’ a rather lively session in the form of a introduction game known simply as “breaking-the-ice,” and the “karaoke” session fitted in on the first night was unforgettable.

We had no less than 5 speaking presentations (Talks that were centered on very-focused subjects) with something like 12 speakers taking over the rostrum. There was variety and quality in both the talks and the speakers. I say, there was no dull moment! I hope that God was glorified in whatever we did.

Food wasn’t that great at this place but we didn’t mind it at all as we had other ideas to complement what the hosts couldn’t dish out at the kind of prices they were charging.

You wouldn’t believe it, but we had “roast duck” on our welcome night! Not only that, on the next day it must have been a big SURPRISE to many. We brought in a car-load of delicious durians and the 40 or so of us senior campers had a great mid-day feast. I think each of the men (including the pastors and leaders) had their share of at least 1 kg-full of God-sent durians in their tummies. The women folks too were not spared. It was “finger-licking” good!

My views and Post-mortem:
You know what made this camp successful? I think it was. My assessment is this.
It had:
1. Variety & Quality
2. Openness and Integrity, Transparency
3. Unity
4. Decisive yet Accommodative Management
5. Teamwork
6. Active participation /interaction from all (in both work and play)
7. God’s presence thru’ fervent prayers and exemplary worship
8. Laughter and many unforgettable light moments.

Of course, I couldn’t say that the Camp was totally devoid of any hip-cups, both in its preparation and in its eventual execution. There were some problems but these were minor; for instance there were last minute joiners and some withdrawals too; on-site, the bulb in our projector burnt out on Day-3, and there wasn’t enough time on Q&A as was desired. I believe God saw us thru’ all these and we came out of them as ‘victors’. Hallelujah!

Now that the camp is over, I can echo the words of Julius Caesar, “Veni, Vidi, Vici” (I came, I saw, I conquered). But what exactly did we conquer as you and I came out of the Camp?

Speaking for myself, I think I have conquered chiefly “fear”. You know, the fear of participation, the fear of knowing each other better, of knowing even my own-self or of knowing God better; and last but not least perhaps also the fear of not knowing what to do with the second half (or balance) of our lives? The Camp did something I think to change all that.

But I feel the best parts were: God’s love actually conquered all of us, and the blessings (joy, peace, the tenderness of love and care, kindness & understanding, etc) that came with genuine friendship from the men and women who had gathered together there were beautiful and beyond description. Let this cup of goodness in each of us (which the Lord has given) continue to overflow.

Let’s not forget this too: “From those to whom much has been given, much is expected.”

We came to the Seniors Camp for authentic fellowship. Not only did we get it, I think for many of us we also found our very own true selves and in so doing encountered God in a very personal way. Certainly, I hope it does not have to end there.

The question is: Where do we go from here? You know the thing that’s revealed thru’ this camp is quite plain to see: PJEFC seniors indeed have lots of talent, talents that have predominantly gone untapped. The questions left are how to tap these and to use them to glorify God and/or for Kingdom work. This is of course easier said than done and I don’t have all the answers.

Life goes on as they say but in conclusion, I just want us to remember these wise words from Stephen Grellet (a French nobleman turned missionary of the 19th century) which go like this,

“I expect to pass through this world but once, any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now, let me not deter or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”

Yours truly,
(A fellow traveler/camper)

P/S: I would of course love to hear the views from another fellow-camper.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Take a break, go to Bandung

(Photo courtesy Wikipedia)
Take a break every once in a while and go to a different place. See the mountains, catch the wholesome, cool fresh air; taste some great pastries, try the local foods and shop until you drop! That’s what a Bandung holiday is generally made of.

Yes, I was in Bandung for a 4-day break recently and had a wonderful time with 3 other friends.

Bandung which has a population of about 7 million is the 3rd largest city in Indonesia. It’s an old but busy city located in the highlands of West Java, some 2,500 ft above sea-level. So it’s really quite cool.

The city was built by the Dutch during the colonial days in the late 18th century and a large stock of Dutch colonial architecture is still dominant in the city landscape, many of these buildings are now used by the local government for administration (e.g. Gedung Sate) whilst some are converted to hotels and others as factory outlets (for branded goods).

I saw a couple of these beautiful old-styled buildings being used as bakery-shops by a famous brand known simply as Holland Bakery (the pastries they make I think are out of this world)! If you’re ever there, don’t miss these. I am told the bakery is still owned and run by a Dutchman.

Bandung is famous for many things. For sight-seekers, there’s Mount Tangkuban Perahu which is a must see. Tangkuban Perahu literally means “up-turned boat”(a distinguished truncated flat-peak, table-top mountain). It has 3 large volcanic craters, two of which are still seismically active but when they will next explode, nobody knows.

Then there is the Geological Museum which houses 250,000 rocks and mineral collection, and some 60,000 fossils discovered from within the Indonesian archipelago of some 17,508 islands. It’s definitely worth a visit.

Food-wise, there’s the famous Sundanese food or you can have the regular Nasi Padang. For brunch, a must try is the "Bakso Tahu" or "Siomay" which is a steamed beef meat balls with/without tofu. It is served with peanut paste, sweet soy sauce and a lime, quite a tasty mouthful and which should go well with a fruity Avocado Juice served with added brown sugar or honey and best taken cold, I mean the juice.

Tofu (a soybean product) is widely consumed as a snack, and there’s a factory outlet which served this specialty in the form of deep-fried tofu cubes (they are actually quite adorable) and go down well with a spicy dark-brown light sauce. Also, don’t forget to try the crispy “soybean-crackers,” a type of munchies which are delightfully delicious!

For sweets, there’s a whole range of different types of “dodol” (made in different shapes too), a coconut-based candy to sink our teeth in. They are mouth-watering good and make great treats!

Bandung has been nicknamed the Paris van Java (Paris of Java). The city is not only well known for gastronomic adventure and volcanic craters but is also famous as a shopping haven for its “branded apparel” products.

Come weekends travelers from Jakarta and many from elsewhere flock to Bandung by the thousands to buy as much as they can carry “branded goods” (world-class labels) at a fraction of its original retail-price yet without compromising on quality! Every known world-famous brand (from shoes to shirts and bags to jeans) is available and obtainable at bargain prices which you cannot find anywhere else.

If you’re a nerd and follow “haute couture” this is indeed the place to be in. There are enough shopping malls, factory and distribution outlets to make your legs ache and your eyes see stars!

Levi Strauss, Burberry, Armani, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Ralph Lauren, Nike, Adidas, Diesel, Prada, Topman, Billabong, Braun Buffel, Versace, Guess, Valentino, Yves Saint Laurent, Polo, etc. You name it and they are all there, a shoppers’ haven indeed!

And on your way back, don’t forget to take home some Indonesian mangoes, the famed “Harom Manis.” You’ll love them and wish you had bought more!

I love Bandung and I am sure you will.

Bandung Skyline, Pasupati Bridge
(Photo courtesy Wikipedia)


Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Lighter Side

You know someone had said that in life we cannot always win everything; we win some but we also lose some, in reality that's life!

Life actually demands a lot of sacrifices maybe even sufferings on our part, doesn't it? Are they all worth it? Arh, that I shall leave it to you (to decide).

But we are repeatedly reminded, there is no greater sacrifice than that given by, I guess you know who. Compare to the Lord's, what bases are there for us to complain?

Like Mavis, my take on life is this and I quote: “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved (perfect) body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting “Holy shit, what a ride!” (quote attributed to Mavis Leyrer). But may I know what is yours?

You know, the most precious thing we have is life. Yet to think about it, it has absolutely no trade-in value.

Let me leave you with these quotes which I find rather interesting:

“When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect you.” (Lao Tzu)

"Don't try to be different. Just be good. To be good is different enough." (Arthur Freed)

"Goodness is the only investment that never fails." (Henry David Thoreau)

Have a nice day and don't forget to smile!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A poem entitled The Instruction Manual

I think the following poem is a rich one which epitomizes the power of imagination and as you read you'll see, the storytelling (in poetry form) is quite compelling! One acclaimed critic put it this way and I quote, "It immediately evokes an image of someone staring outside the window lost in a world of their own - a situation i frequently find myself in except not producing anything quite as beautiful as this poem." I couldn't have said it any better.

I hope the author wouldn't mind I reproduce it here for our reading pleasure. Read slowly, don't rush and enjoy it.

The Instruction Manual
A poem by John Ashbery

As I sit looking out of a window of the building
I wish I did not have to write the instruction manual on the uses of a new
I look down into the street and see people, each walking with an inner peace,
And envy them--they are so far away from me!
Not one of them has to worry about getting out this manual on schedule.
And, as my way is, I begin to dream, resting my elbows on the desk and leaning
out of the window a little,
Of dim Guadalajara! City of rose-colored flowers!
City I wanted most to see, and did not see, in Mexico!
But I fancy I see, under the press of having to write the instruction manual,
Your public square, city, with its elaborate little bandstand!
The band is playing Scheherazade by Rimsky-Korsakov.
Around stand the flower girls, handing out rose- and lemon-colored flowers,
Each attractive in her rose-and-blue striped dress (Oh! such shades of rose and
And nearby is the little white booth where women in green serve you green and
yellow fruit.
The couples are parading; everyone is in a holiday mood.
First, leading the parade, is a dapper fellow
Clothed in deep blue. On his head sits a white hat
And he wears a mustache, which has been trimmed for the occasion.
His dear one, his wife, is young and pretty; her shawl is rose, pink, and
Her slippers are patent leather, in the American fashion,
And she carries a fan, for she is modest, and does not want the crowd to see
her face too often.
But everybody is so busy with his wife or loved one
I doubt they would notice the mustacioed man's wife.
Here come the boys! They are skipping and throwing little things on the
Which is made of gray tile. One of them, a little older, has a toothpick in his
He is silenter than the rest, and affects not to notice the pretty young girls
in white.
But his friends notice them, and shout their jeers at the laughing girls.
Yet soon this all will cease, with the deepening of their years,
And love bring each to the parade grounds for another reason.
But I have lost sight of the young fellow with the toothpick.
Wait--there he is--on the other side of the bandstand.
Secluded from his friends, in earnest talk with a young girl
Of fourteen or fifteen. I try to hear what they are saying
But it seems they are just mumbling something--shy words of love, probably.
She is slightly taller than he, and looks quietly down into his sincere eyes.
She is wearing white. The breeze ruffles her long fine black hair against her
olive cheek.
Obviously she is in love. The boy, the young boy with the toothpick, he is in
love too;
His eyes show it. Turning from this couple,
I see there is an intermission in the concert.
The paraders are resting and sipping drinks through straws
(The drinks are dispensed from a large glass crock by a lady in dark blue),
And the musicians mingle among them, in their creamy white uniforms, and talk
About the weather, perhaps, or how their kids are doing at school.

Let us take this opportunity to tiptoe into one of the side streets.
Here you may see one of those white houses with green trim
That are so popular here. Look--I told you!
It is cool and dim inside, but the patio is sunny.
An old woman in gray sits there, fanning herself with a palm leaf fan.
She welcomes us to her patio, and offers us a cooling drink.
"My son is in Mexico City," she says. "He would welcome you too
If he were here. But his job is with a bank there.
Look, here is a photograph of him."
And a dark-skinned lad with pearly teeth grins out at us from the worn leather
We thank her for her hospitality, for it is getting late
And we must catch a view of the city, before we leave, from a good high place.
That church tower will do--the faded pink one, there against the fierce blue of
the sky. Slowly we enter.
The caretaker, an old man dressed in brown and gray, asks us how long we have
been in the city, and how we like it here.
His daughter is scrubbing the steps--she nods to us as we pass into the tower.
Soon we have reached the top, and the whole network of the city extends
before us.
there is the rich quarter, with its houses of pink and white, and its
crumbling, leafy terraces.
There is the poorer quarter, its homes a deep blue.
There is the market, where men are selling hats and swatting flies
And there is the public library, painted several shades of pale green and
Look! There is the square we just came from, with the promenaders.
There are fewer of them, now that the heat of the day has increased.
But the young boy and girl still lurk in the shadows of the bandstand.
And there is the home of the little old lady--
She is still sitting in the patio, fanning herself.
How limited, but how complete withal, has been our experience of Guadalajara!
We have seen young love, married love, and the love of an aged mother for her
We have heard the music, tasted the drinks, and looked at colored houses.
What more is there to do, except stay? And that we cannot do.
And as a last breeze freshens the top of the weathered old tower, I turn my
Back to the instruction manual which has made me dream of Guadalajara.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Build your Forgiveness Muscle

Last Friday I had the priviledge to lead my Cell Group in Bible study. The subject was on "Build your Forgiveness Muscle". I did some research and was delighted to deliver this piece which I shall share with you as follows.

Recap: Tonight we are doing the 4th lesson in the series. In the first 3 lessons we touched on 3 types of choices, important choices that confront us in our daily living, choices that could make or break us.

Yes, choices that if you made them correctly will change your life. We have discovered:

1. A new perspective on Interruptions and how to use them “Interruptions as God-appointments,” specifically as opportunities for us to be used by God to minister healing to those around us who are hurting.

2. That “Obedience over Control” isn’t a weakness and there are intangible benefits of doing things God’s way. Think of the many times we obeyed God and the blessings that came.

3. Last week, we learned what “real compassion” is (it is not just an emotion (sympathy) but goes further, it’s an action), and if we pursue it over convenience, the blessings that will be released can be beyond our imagination!

Tonight, we continue in the series “Choices That Will Change Your Life” and the choice before us in essence to me is “The Divine Command to forgive, are we obeying it? Are we building up our forgiveness muscle”?

A big topic to cover; appears awesome at first sight but when you get down to it (with faith) it is not that awesome as it first appeared. To break the ice and set your minds thinking, I will start by giving this short introduction.

We have heard of an IQ, an EQ. Some people have a high IQ but low EQ. Others, high on EQ moderate on IQ. Some, low in both. Where you stand I shall leave that to you.

Now I wonder if you’re tested on a Forgiveness Quotient (FQ) how would you score. Think about it.

Yes, tonight we shall look at the importance of forgiveness and on how to build our forgiveness muscle, modeling after Jesus. No doubt, modeling after Jesus is not going to be easy but is there another way?

Testimonies of godly men and women past and present have shown that when we make decisions based on Christ's example and biblical principles, instead of on mere emotions and off the cuff, we build confidence, hope, and courage.

We are empowered to take positive, life-changing action, then what happens? Our lives are transformed in a way we never thought possible. We become a better person. Isn’t that wonderful? Hallelujah!

Before going into the depth of tonight’s lesson, anyone of you want to define what “forgiveness” is? What does it mean to you? Why is it so difficult to forgive?

First, let me tell you what forgiveness is not, i.e. what lies on the opposite side. On the opposite side of forgiveness lie resentment, jealousy, hatred, anger and revenge. Correct me if I am wrong, these feelings of remorse/ unforgiving which are pent up inside of us (if not released) are waiting for a right time to explode!

Question I want to ask is, “Is there any gain by harboring unforgiveness or having an unforgiving heart?” Who suffers the perpetrator or the victim? I ask you, isn’t there a better way to live than this?

Somebody once said, “Being angry at somebody is like throwing hot coals on the other persons with your bare hands”. It hurts both, the thrower actually gets the brunt of the burns (imagine hot coals on bare hands!)

When it hurts inside and you are unforgiving, my advice to you is simply this. Take a step back and ask yourself 2 pertinent questions.

1. “What good or hope has hatred, jealousy, anger and resentment ever brought?
2. “What problems have ever been resolved by revenge or unforgiveness?”

Can’t think of anything good, can you? On the other hand, the good that’s released from forgiveness can be incredible! Think about it, but don’t rush.

The Oxford English Dictionary defines forgiveness as “to grant free pardon and to give up all claim on account of an offense or debt.”

But I like this definition from Wikipedia which says:
“Forgiveness is the process of ceasing to feel resentment, indignation or anger against another person for a perceived offense, difference or mistake, or ceasing to demand punishment or restitution.”

The story given in our Study Guide is a one about gossip, a story about character-assassination, exaggeration and bad-mouthing maybe even slander of people you know, resulting in a lot of unpleasantness, unnecessary hurt and anger all over where sometimes the perpetrator don’t even know. Of course “talk is cheap” but who will suffer?

Try never to hold a grudge for too long, why? I think it will eat your heart out that’s why!

We can release all those pent-up feelings of ill-will (they do us no good) by seeking God in prayer. And I think God will say, yes in one word, forgive. How do we do it? Here are 4 simple steps:

1. Acknowledge and go through your pain (i.e. first tell the true story of exactly what happened, grieve over it fully if you must), then
2. Get rid of your resentment. Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for your enemy to die.
3. Reach out to the offender with love and compassion.
4. And forgive. (Just let go whatever hurts that’s left with God’s help)

I tell you, you will emerge a better person.

Now, let me relate to you a real story about the beauty and grandeur of forgiveness.

It is a story about Nelson Mandela, one who needs no introduction.

We all know that he fought against the racist system of apartheid in South Africa and was imprisoned for 20+ years. When he got out, he harbored no ill will and became South Africa's president in 1994. He did not emerge from prison a bitter person. He forgave those who imprisoned him and pursued peace. In fact, his attitude of forgiveness helped South African transition from a rule by whites only to a true democratic system. Afterwards, the Truth and Reconciliation Committee was set up to uncover the facts of South African apartheid and to forgive those involved. Desmond Tutu, who presided over the commission, wrote a book about it called “No Future without Forgiveness”, which is worth reading if you're interested.

I want to tell you another one (a true story of forgiveness about one Sue Norton) but I am afraid that time does not permit. Check that out from Google if you want.

You see my friends; to be able to forgive is not a weakness. In fact it takes a strong person to say sorry, and an even stronger person to forgive.

Mahatma Gandhi said this, “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” And Mahatma Gandhi wasn’t weak at all when he advocated a principle of non-violence to achieve political and social reforms (the fight “right against might” in a peaceful manner). Remember his famous quote, "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." To him all violence was evil and could not be justified. Using non-violence to pursue reforms required incredible faith, courage, and forgiveness. He rose to become the founding father of a nation, a great leader, in fact the greatest that India ever had!

You’ve probably heard the saying, “To err is human, and to forgive is Divine.”

Of all of the human qualities that make men in any sense like God (Christ-like), none is more divine than forgiveness. Indeed, you are never more like God than when you forgive for to forgive is divine, a God attribute and not man’s. That’s why it’s so difficult for man to forgive. We must ask God to give us this divine gift to forgive, everyday.

Haven you noticed that our God is not only a God of love; He is also a God of forgiveness. The God of so-much more, that’s our God. Amen?

Modeling Jesus let me quickly run thru’ the best known teachings and practices of forgiveness as given in the Bible.

The Parable of the Prodigal Son is perhaps the best known instance of such teaching and practice of forgiveness. The character of God's forgiveness is seen here as eager, lavish, loving forgiveness, and not holding anything back. That’s the kind of forgiveness we are asked to emulate.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus repeatedly spoke of forgiveness, “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” Matthew 5:7

“But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also.” Luke 6:27-29

“And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.” (Mark 11:25)

“For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” (Matthew 6:14-15)

Do all these teachings from our Lord Jesus mean anything to you? For more let’s read from the Bible, Matthew 18:21-35. There will be questions later.

In Matthew 18: 21-22, "Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times (or seventy times seven).”

Known as The parable of the Unmerciful Servant, it concludes: “In anger his master turned him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed. This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart.” (Matthew 18:34-35) The severity of chastening for one who doesn't forgive is clearly demonstrated. (See also Matthew 6:14-15). What do you make of it?

The message is reiterated in Ephesians:
“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32)

We must all learn to forgive for forgiveness is a good thing. It warms the heart and cools the sting, doesn’t it?

Research has shown that forgiving actually lowers blood pressure. It reduces the strain on your heart. It certainly reduces depression, anger and stress as well as makes people feel more hopeful and happy.

In short forgiveness is good for the body, mind and spirit. Not only that but when we have a forgiving heart, one that’s abounding in loving kindness, it fulfills the Divine Command to forgive. (Note to forgive is paramount in the Lord’s Prayer).

Someone once said, “There are two kinds of errors that we make: errors of commission and errors of omission. It is said that the latter ones bother us more in life.” Looking back at our lives, how many times have you (or have I) failed to forgive when forgiveness is due?

For without forgiveness, life is governed by an endless cycle of hurts, resentment and retaliation. These are the chains that bind us; we must break free from these chains and learn to live as God would want us live.

So, in conclusion let me say this to you: Face-up and have the courage to forgive; let go, build up your forgiveness muscle, then you can live a life that’s truly abundant and free! And in all these actions I pray, may God be with you.

Thomas Watson wrote many years ago a very interesting statement. He said this, “We need not climb up into heaven to see whether our sins are forgiven. Let us look into our hearts and see if we can forgive others. If we can, we need not doubt that God has forgiven us.”

Let’s pray together.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

To be Minimalist or not (Is Less Really More?)

Confucius said, “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” The question is, can we help it?

Does a minimalist lifestyle appeal to me? How far am I prepared to take it? If you wanted a reply, my reply to you would be this.

As for me, it's a yes to "moderate living" but "minimalist" I'll have to say no to that. I think that minimalist existence is too simplistic a living as many affordables if not all luxuries have to be excluded, right?

Decluttering and the untangling of one's living after a lifetime of building wealth or asset creation up to a point is good but when one's living becomes too minimalist, then I think those actions (the decluttering and the untangling) can't be helpful. It might lead to "dismantling" (of whatever we have built) if you can see what I mean.

Of course there will be the joys and benefits of clutter-free living, but just how clutter-free can one get before a host of new problems (mostly consequential) make their appearance?

Joshua Becker in his e-book “Simplify: 7 Guiding Principles to Help Anyone Declutter Their Home and Life” has redefined minimalism as “the intentional promotion of the things you most value and the removal of anything that distracts you from it.” He says it's less about removing possessions just to remove possessions, and more about finding a lifestyle of simplicity that works for you and your family.

If those were the principles of minimalism, then I am all for it. But I think a minimalist lifestyle doesn't just mean simplifying your life. There's more to it. The underlying object is to live simply where possible with less and less of materialism. But the stark reality today is how to live well with less and less (of anything for that matter)?

I am sure you have heard the song with the catchy tune entitled "The Bare Necessities" sung by Phil Harris as Baloo and Bruce Reitherman as Mowgli in the Disney film "The Jungle Book" which extols the joys of clutter-free living but let's face it, I think in today's world, that's only good for the "birds, the bears and the bees".

Nonetheless the e-book entitled "The Art of being Minimalist" written by one Everett Bogue is worth exploring.

The author gave this testimony: "In July of 2009 I quit my job and moved from New York to Portland Oregon with everything I owned in a backpack. I had no plan and $3000 in the bank. Everyone told me I'd starve, but I didn't. Instead I adopted an minimalist lifestyle. I cooked all of my own food, I started working exclusively on the Internet. I learned to manage my time and empty my email inbox. It's about the freedom that comes from leaving everything and embarking on an experience that actually means something. I wrote The Art of Being Minimalist to help people declutter their lives, untangle their schedules, and find the freedom they've always dreamed they could have. My goal is to help people opt out of the perpetual motion machine of corporate consumer culture, begin creating, and find their own personal liberation."

The Western model is always about personal liberation and finding the freedom to do as one pleases. One way to achieve that is to lead a minimalist lifestyle where we are told we could free ourselves presumably from "the mess" of life.

Indeed where living is concerned, there is appeal in declutter, untangle, find freedom, all of which are ingredients for a minimalist existence.

A practitioner of minimalism (lifestyle) is one being or providing a bare minimum of what is necessary in living which in essence I think is an extremely conservative approach in lifestyle. The other extreme (opposite of minimalist) is a baroque, flamboyant, extravagant, or what one might say an excessive, (Gramarye) lifestyle?

I believe there is a moderate, happy existence in between where we don't have to live with everything on the one hand or nothing on the other. I advocate this stand but what is your call?

There is of course a Christian perspective to all this, one which I think that we (as Christians) should know better but that story is for another day.

For now, suffice just to remember these words from the Bible: “Godliness with contentment is great gain”. I’ll bet on that. How about you?