Thursday, November 24, 2011

A father's birthday wish

A letter from my heart, to share. Happy reading.

The other day my adult and only daughter phoned and asked, "Pa your birthday is coming soon, what can I get you?" I was caught quite unprepared, so I said half-jokingly, "Oh well, my computer which is more than 5 years old crashed the other day. Although I got it restarted by reformatting it myself (I lost all unsaved datas unfortunately as I was a novice) it is still working on old hardware and outdated software. I would love to have it replaced with a new table-top PC with a larger screen (monitor)."

She replied almost instantaneously in the affirmative, "consider it done Pa when I see you next"! I gulped because that's going to be quite expensive and I had no intention whatsoever to burden her. On second thoughts, perhaps a new Swatch (wrist-watch), one of those less expensive ones would have been more appropriate to ask.

To think about it again, there is nothing money will not buy out of fatherly or daughterly love but as a father I shouldn't be seen (or heard rather) abusing that privilege or should I? You tell me.

There is some truth in the saying, "Anyone who says money can't buy happiness......does not know where to shop!" Really?

On the other hand, you know sometimes it's better not to have the things you crave for. As Bertrand Russell had put it a long time ago, "To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness." Isn't that still true nowadays, but I wonder?

There are of course things in this life that truly matter which money cannot buy. Some are quite obvious (like friendship)and some not so.

I was just thinking what are some of those things that I want which cannot be bought or gift wrapped. I can name three which I think are most important.

They are 'faith', 'hope' and 'love'. In the end, my computer and my wrist watch will surely go foul but I believe faith, hope and love are the things that will prevail and will outlast this lifetime, wouldn't you think so too?

Why faith?
For myself, I want faith. Faith enough to see light in even the bleakest of situations. Faith enough to believe that goodness and godliness will prevail in the end.

Why hope?
For my loved ones I want hope. Abundant hope. Hope in tomorrow. A hope that helps them believe that there will be a future of better times ahead so they can take that next step with courage.

Why love?
For my world and in particular my family and community, I want love. For I believe that the solutions to most of our biggest problems will only be found when we learn to love each other as well as to love our neighbours as ourselves, much like one big family under God's rule on earth. And when we do get there the world will become a better place, no more wars, no more crime in the streets, no famine nor turmoil, only justice and helping-hands everywhere, a world that's at last at peace with itself, a world in which we can come to love and be loved. How sweet!

Now can you see and do you also want some of those things that money can't buy? Indeed, those could be the greatest gifts of all that any man could wish for on his birthday. But alas, I think only God can give them and in his time! I just hope it isn't too much to ask.

Meantime, like any human father I look forward to my daughter's gift for my birthday (whatever it might be) with great anticipation!


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