Thursday, June 24, 2010

On blogging

Blogging or writing a “blog” on the Net is fun but it can be stressful too.

When you open up your “blog” and you have nothing to write or say the fun can suddenly stop short.

It’s quite a common experience, an affliction which is known as “writers’ block”. Once afflicted you can’t write. It smacks at you literally in the face and it won’t go away.

What do you do? What else could you do but to take five? Do a walkabout even if it’s around the house or go read a book or something.

If the thoughts do come back in a flash, the key is to jolt them down quickly before they disappear.

One or two key words at a time or a phrase in broken English perhaps but that don’t matter as you can always edit and/or modify them later.

You’ll be surprised how quickly words become lines and lines become paragraphs and the story slowly unfolds before your very eyes.

It’s really fun to capture your thoughts and to write them down.

I totally agree with what one William Makepeace Thackeray had said and it is this, “There are thousands of thoughts lying within a man that he does not know till he takes up the pen and writes”.

What I like best about blogging (or any form of writing for that matter) is expounded by Norbet Platt. This is what he had said, “The act of putting pen to paper encourages pause for thought, this in turn makes us think more deeply about life, which helps us regain our equilibrium.”

On another occasion someone had this to say, “The wastebasket is a writer's best friend.” Unfortunately, this may be true for many a budding writer or would-be blogger. The hand is willing but too often the mind is weak.

You try and try but somehow you just couldn’t get the hank of it but for heaven’s sake don’t give up!

Come to think about it, it’s not just on blogging. I would say the stress of “a thousand attempts” also goes for almost anything in life that has value or of significance that’s worth pursuing, isn’t it?

They say whatever is worth doing is worth doing it well and you really can’t deny the truth of the often quoted saying, “no pain, no gain”, can you?

On writing, Enrique Jardiel Poncela had put it this way, “When something can be read without effort, great effort has gone into its writing.”

And I’ll say it again echoing the words of Nathaniel Hawthorne which are these, “Easy reading is damn hard writing.”

I know because I have gone down that road but I tell you fellows that keeping this blog alive and interesting has been an exhilarating experience both to my body, soul and spirit.

Somehow you’ll feel good when you see your piece (of writing) finally in print and is posted for the world to see. Try it yourselves some day and you’ll see what I mean.

I think a regular exercise of the brain cells isn’t going to hurt anyone. In fact the “stress” which if I may call it, is good for everyone young or old.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope I’ll see you back soon. You light up my life!


Here's a lovely song for you entitled "Let's keep it that way" by Anne Murray. It's one of my favorites. Thanks to "elitewowmacho69" for sharing. Enjoy.

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