Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Library, a great place to go

Library, a place for mind enrichment & scholarship? And books are like windmills of your mind? Yes, indeed.

A public library is very much like a big bookshop. On the outside it seems cold and dreary but you might be surprised by what you’ll find going on inside.

Inside, you will of course find books of many kinds; little books on life’s instructions and big books about successful men, politics, philosophy and economics.

Books of history and the sciences, of human relationships and novels; indeed the variety is as many and as endless as the length and breath of human endeavors!

There is a quietness and an air of “scholarship” in a library which you will probably not find in any other place.

The view is serene. You’ll find that all the books are nicely stacked up in their proper places and each has been sorted out according to its category.

Indeed, there is harmony in variety and beauty in simplicity! I wish that our world could be like that.

Yet a library is more than just a serene place to keep books and records of all kinds. It does more.

For instance, we all know it facilitates reading and teaching; it promotes knowledge of many kinds and not forgetting, the enrichment of minds as well.

Perhaps what we don’t know is this that it is also a place that enriches world class scholarship thru’ the pursuit of definitive learning, serious study and deliberate research.

I dread to think where humanity would be today if not for libraries? Indeed, knowledge seekers cannot do without them.

When was the last time you paid a visit to a library? If you haven’t done it, isn’t it about time you visited one?

Believe me the time spent browsing inside a library (or a bookshop for that matter) is never wasted. Try it otherwise you’ll never know what you have missed!

Thanks to "lettermen1" for sharing this beautiful song entitled " The windmills of your mind" with us.

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