Friday, November 6, 2009

If God blogs

If God had a blog, I wonder what He would write or say.

Could it be about the glory of heaven (not yet revealed) or the follies of man? ~The triumphs of his creation and/or his disappointments perhaps?

But why should he be so telling? Who would be his intended audience? What is his purpose? Would it make any difference if he did? You would probably ask the same.

Didn’t he advise a long time ago that the whole duty of man is to “fear God and keep his commandments” (~Ecclesiastes 12:13); and expressed his desire that in the end, none should perish but that everyone would come to repentance and be saved (~2 Peter 3:9)?

But will God blog? Just a passing thought anyway.

Of course, there is no need for Almighty God to have a personal blog in order for his word to reach us.

He has already spoken thru’ his prophets and apostles of ancient times and his words are well documented in the Bible for all to read.

He is still speaking to us today thru’ his many servants and disciples whether on-line or off-line, in every which way that he knows how to reach us, but the problem is have you heard? Have I heard?

He’s is not the problem, I think we are.

If we haven’t heard what God has to say to us, isn’t it time we found out?

Don't wait for “six strong men” to take you to church!

God bless.

Don't miss seeing this video courtesy of "cathycat1023". It could change your life.

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