Thursday, October 8, 2009

I'm just a country boy

I’m just a country boy, always have been and though I now live in the city, my heart and soul still belong to the place where the meadows are always green and where cockerels crow every morning at the crack of dawn without fail.

I have lived more than 40 years in the city yet I have not lost my love for the country life where I was raised in my childhood and my youth.

Those were the days in the country when school bags were light and to walk a mile or two to school was the norm rather than the exception.

How I'd love the sun and would go fishing, fly a kite or stroll rather aimlessly with a friend when the holidays came. No need for car, got bicycle can roam already and what a joy it was!

We knew then what it was to be disciplined when we disobeyed orders or did wrong in the eyes of our elders. Even though we held our heads high, we had always respected and submitted to authority.

Life was simple but for many of us, life was not necessarily easy. We had not only our studies to do but we had our household chores in almost equal measure too! Somehow we prevailed, and hard work didn’t wear us out at all.

The good thing was we never bore a grudge against anyone for whatever disciplinary action which they inflicted upon us, and because of that I guess we learnt a lot about life and matured at a young age, which actually benefited us a lot in our adulthood.

I am sure that if you were a country boy or girl yourself, you must have gone through the same kind of experience which I have just described, maybe even more.

Today, they say times have changed, so have kids. Kids maybe a lot smarter now but alas, many have not necessarily turned out good.

O, how I wish when we retire we could live in the country once more, in the countryside where friendships are easy, life is simple and uncorrupted; where the air is clean, food is fresh and traffic-jams are never heard of. But who wouldn’t?

Yes, in a vale of a place where rippling streams flow and flowers still grow wild; ducks are heard, squirrels are seen, larks sing, buffaloes roam, and indeed where cockerels still crow! What a wonderful place that would be.

Now, if you have not heard Alison Krauss sing before, turn up the volume and listen to this beautiful heart-warming song by Alison entitled, “You’re just a country boy”, music-video courtesy of “huffman142”. Thanks to “Huffman142” for sharing and God bless.

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