Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Flowers, a gift from God

Often we take for granted that flowers are ingeniously pretty and sweet but have you ever wondered who made them?

Indeed, if flowers are a piece of God’s creation which I think they are, they reveal a side of God which we probably never knew. What incredible craftsmanship!

Don’t you see, no two flowers are quite the same and indeed, no Michael Angelo and their like could ever sculpt and paint the way Almighty God has done?

In flowers, God’s tenderness and loving care are depicted for all to see. How awesome and sweet?

Flowers are truly a thing of beauty and a joy forever! A bunch of them blooming in your sight can take your breath away.

Without them I can’t imagine what our world would be like?

Jacques Deval had once said, “God loved the flowers and invented soil. Man loved the flowers and invented vases.” How pathetic?

Henry Beecher said a long time ago, “Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into.”

But that shouldn’t give man the right to pluck or kill them off as he wished, as like trees, they are also living creatures.

To me, flowers carry the future seeds of life and should be allowed to bloom into fullness to fulfill the mandate which their Creator had given them.

In conclusion, I would like to share this poem with you which I find rather interesting:

“Have you ever seen a flower down
Sometimes angels skip around
And in their blissful state of glee
Bump into a daisy or sweet pea?”

~a short poem by Jessie Lane Adams

It has been said that bread feeds the body indeed, but flowers feed also the soul. Yes, can you imagine what humanity would be if God did not create the flowers? Think on it.

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