Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Lord is my Shepherd

The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, sent by God the Father some 2,000 years ago, on a mission to Earth to save our souls.

He came impersonated as a humble Son of Man and lived amongst men for about 33 years.

Although his time on earth was rather short but one can say, it was in all quite tumultuous and eventful.

What he said and did became well known and was valued in Christendom for centuries and his legacy (his life's work) continues to touch the minds and hearts of modern man.

He established a faith unlike any other which continued to this day with a commanding lead of more than 2 billion believers living today.

But the numbers are not exactly what he came to seek. As I understand it, he wanted to seek the lost, to make good of all the believers and eventually to bring them home to be with God the Father in a Paradise called Heaven.

One may ask how a faith so simple and humble as this could have survived this long, and yet with a following that’s ever increasing with each passing day, and not diminishing mind you, if that faith had no truth, nor depth nor substance to sustain it?

His appeal alone is universal and stunning, to say the least.

To Christians, the Lord Jesus Christ is known by many names. He is first of all called Immanuel, the Messiah.

He is The Deliverer, The Way, The Truth, and The Life.

He is also their Redeemer, Savior and Friend, all rolled up in one.

He is depicted as The Good Shepherd, The Bridegroom, The Lamb of God, and The Mighty One.

He is also the Lord of All, King of Kings, the Lion of Judah and The Prince of Peace.

He is of course The Holy One, The Everlasting Father, The Creator of Everything, and I would say our bridge to eternal life if only we will believe in Him.

If we believe, and what they say of Him is true, we have everything to gain. But if we believe and let’s say what they say of Him turns out untrue, we really have nothing to loose.

However, if we don’t believe at all, but if it turns out to be true, we have everything to loose. Hope you've got it.

Indeed, we shouldn’t be playing a game of chance with our present life where eternal life is concerned.

Remembering that we have only one life on this earth and how we choose to live it will broadly determine where we will go from here, after our brief life on earth is over.

Yes, because we are endowed with “freewill,” God actually gives us the freedom to make that choice. So choose wisely my friend.

If indeed you want to know more on why God allows that freedom of choice, go read that book by C S Lewis, the famed English critic and novelist, entitled “Mere Christianity” where he has explained it quite explicitly.

Indeed, the Bible tells us: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.” ~ 1 Corinthians 2:9

If you want peace, remember this adage, “Peace is not the absence of affliction, but the presence of God.”

May God bless you and teach us all how to choose.

I shall leave you with this beautiful Hymn made by "citrail", words adapted from that famous Psalm 23. Thanks to "citrail for sharing.

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