Monday, June 8, 2009

No time, lah!

I have always loathed the use of the general expression, “No time, lah!” as an excuse which people often use to escape from something.

I think it is an unforgivable wrong when the plain truth is on the contrary, quite the opposite.

Funny thing is, why do people want to hide by using this “mischievous excuse” then when in actual fact, they have plenty of time to spare?

Quite often, people don’t say what they mean and it’s getting to be an art to decipher people’s use of language through their tone and demeanor. Ever got a chance, go to the law courts and you’ll see what I mean.

I have been taught from young to have the courage to always say what you mean and mean what you say. Indeed, to me honesty is still the best policy.

As a young executive with a multi-national corporation some 40 years ago, I have learnt that there is no such thing as “no time for this” and “no time for that”. My hardy white boss (of German descent) made sure of that!

You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it. That’s the honest truth.

So deadlines were always kept, and you better have a very good reason if you want an extension of any deadline. Those were the days by which exemplary management were kept and we learnt hell of a lot through sheer experience!

By and large I would say that although time is a tough and uncompromising taskmaster, it is also a very good teacher. Indeed, if you keep true to time, time will have its rewards.

The CEO’s of top companies of the world will testify to this that of all the people in business, they are in all probability the best “time-keepers” that ever were. I think, that’s true even today, isn’t it?

So buck up if you want to reach the top, and try not to say, “No time, lah.”

This music video is the work of "vezzle12" to whom thanks is given. It's a quite a rare Connie Francis' number, entitled "High Noon".

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