Monday, June 15, 2009

Every song tells a story

Every song tells a story which is unique in its own special way.

Indeed, song writers are a rare breed and because of their talent we get to enjoy their songs not once but over and over again.

When they put the right words into melody, the music comes alive, touches our souls and makes us sing.

No wonder they say, “Music washes away from the soul, the dust of everyday life".

There is a song written on almost every subject matter that the human mind is capable of thinking.

There is even a “Dying Song”, like this one which I’ll bet you haven’t heard it, but it's rather sweet and I like it.

It’s an original created for our listening pleasure by a very talented girl known as “Isisip”.

Thank you “Isisip” for such a beautiful song. May God bless you richly.

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