Saturday, December 25, 2010

Reflections of a passing year

A creative guy (didn't get his name) put up this tag which I find quite interesting. It's has a short message with a sexy little twist! I hope he wouldn't mind me showing it off to you guys.

Incredible, but that's the INTERNET WORLD we now live in! First we have the WEB (www) then came WINDOWS, YAHOO, YOUTUBE, GOOGLE, FACEBOOK, TWITTER and SKYPE to name a few. Does an APPLE or a BLACKBERRY mean anything to you? Following that we have the i's and the e's as in iPOD, iPAD, iTUNES, iROBOT, eBAY, eTHIS or eTHAT.

You might ask what's in a name anyway? Privately between you and I they don't mean much but in the business world, these simple names command millions if not billions (of $). Ask anyone.

They have become household names and in a short span of time made their inventors or creators extremely wealthy. I am not jealous but what they did can make a mockery of one's lifetime of hardwork as an employee if you can see what I mean! The world /market place certainly isn't fair, is it?

Whether you like it or not, Cyberspace wherever that is, billions of people around the world are using or flocking to it. For study, work, blog or play and socializing (networking); even shopping and personal banking are possible at the tap of a mouse, without leaving home! It has become a convenience that many of us cannot live without. But is it safe? Everytime I get on to the Borderless SUPER-HIGHWAY, I get an eerie feeling that I am being watched. How about you?

Now, did you know that the 1st web page came into being on Christmas day exactly 20 years ago today? It was Sir Tim Berners-Lee (British), then a scientist at CERN, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, who is credited as the man who invented the world wide web.

Sir Tim's work led to the creation of HTML - Hypertext Markup Language - a coding language used to describe how to present text and images in an electronic format. When combined with a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) and HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), a framework was built that would enableusers to access electronic documents in a standard way.

The web has revolutionised the way we live, work and communicate. And now the internet is on the brink of a second transformation, as technology experts search for new ways to make the web more "intelligent". The famed American architect Frank Llyod Wright noted, "If it keeps up, man will atrophy all his limbs but the push button finger". There is a real danger indeed that this could happen.

Can you imagine what the future holds for all of us if the current trend continues? I dread to think but in time humanity could literally loose not only its limbs but its face also. Is God going to be forgotten with all this technology, I wonder?

I beg to ask but is humanity better off today than before the WEB came into being? Didn't Albert Einstein (no introduction needed) warned us and said not very long ago, "It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity." Isn't that true today?

Let me ask you: Is humanity acquiring all the right technology but for all the wrong reasons? Guess what? But can you imagine what life could be like if man did not invent the INTERNET? Think on it as a reflection of a passing year.

Seasons Greetings and Best Wishes to you all.

Yours truly,

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