Friday, May 14, 2010

About retirement

My advice to young people who have just entered the work force has often been this i.e. to plan for your retirement at an early age because financial security at retirement which is inescapable is so crucial in this modern time and age.

The financial status and security of seniors in retirement can significantly influence the success or enjoyment of the retirement experience.

First, those with higher incomes are likely to have more opportunity to pursue recreational and leisure activities, provided they are in good physical health.

Second, being financially secure increases the likelihood of a comfortable, safe, and accessible housing.

Finally, receiving quality healthcare and support services is more likely for those from higher income brackets.

It is important to note, however, that financial affluence does not guarantee an enjoyable retirement experience AND is not required in order to be happy in retirement.

Because the average life expectancy in our country is about 78 years, those retiring at age 60 on averages can now expect to spend some 18 to 20 years maybe more in the role of a

Just how much does one need in those retirement years to live that seemingly possible comfortable and enjoyable life is something that one has to work out on one’s own self and in one’s own time?

Of course the merits are that the earlier the homework is done the better. I think the longer the span of time that we allow ourselves to achieving our retirement goal (in pecuniary terms) the easier it will be in our arriving at it.

I am afraid just like success in life, in this pursuit there are no short cuts either.

But don’t despair if you couldn’t make it even with all of your planning. You are probably not the only ones. Life will go on regardless but I guess without the frills.

Adjusting to retirement is a process that is not always completed immediately after leaving the work place.

In essence, it takes courage and humility to accept what it is indeed your lot in life.

As someone had put it, “Once a peacock but now (literally) a feather-duster!” and if that’s what you were or have been you should now accept the regression with grace.

Once the reality of retirement has set in, it is important to remember to set goals for yourself or find activities that provide a sense of purpose and meaning to your days.

Whether it's working in the wood-shop or on the computer, setting out a garden, or spending more time with grandchildren, it is important to feel useful and productive.

As the saying goes, a man’s got to do what he has to do. Indeed, he must even in retirement.

And while at it my advice is now is a good time to seek after God and make peace with your Creator if you have not already done so. Not only for your body and mind but your soul needs nourishment too.

Go to a church and find new friends, honest friends that you can relate to and fellowship with.

It has been said, “Money is not required to buy one necessity of the soul,” (quote attributed to Henry David Thoreau). That’s very true but you’ll have to make the time and the effort to go after it.

It is also good to have your regular walks in the park and coffee-shop talk with your peers; travel with your spouse and see places especially those you have never seen before or indulge in food adventures as you like it.

Now who says there isn’t a life after retirement? I am quite certain there is but you’ve got go find it.

I guess the best part of retirement is often doing nothing and not worrying about being caught at it! No pressure, no stress, no heartache except and unless as one fellow had put it, you play golf!

Did you know that golf is played by some twenty million mature American men whose wives think they are out there having fun? Are they really, you tell me?

By all means if you can afford it and had enough, retire from work but remember not ever from life.

It’s my belief that in one’s retirement years the best of life is yet to come. I like to think that life is a ticket to the greatest show on earth and if I might add to that which is this, you ain’t seen anything yet!


Let's listen to Ricky Nelson sing this beautiful old favorite entitled "A Wonder Like You". Thanks to "marieren" for sharing.

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