Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Colors of the Wind

Most of us have seen or at least know the “colors of the rainbow” but do you know or have you seen the “colors of the wind”?

In fact everyday that we are awake, we have seen the “colors of the wind”, but how often do we take cognizance of it?

It’s out there, everywhere in the earth and sky. But because of our busyness, we have taken it for granted all this while.

If you will but pause for a moment and stand and stare, the beauty and splendor of the colors of Mother Nature are all out there for us to see.

Don’t you see, the colors of Mother Nature are replicated in the “colors of the wind”?

We see it’s splendor in the flowers, in the trees, in the sky, in fact in every living creature that stalks the earth, the sky and the seas.

Have you ever wondered why the sky is always blue, clouds are white and grass always green?

The colors of the birds and bees that fly, the fishes that swim, the beetles and snakes that crawl, the foxes and wolves that run and howl, the wild horses that roam free, and the butterflies, oh just how many colors from these alone can we see?

Indeed, Mother Nature has endowed us with colors, hues and shades of so many kinds that you can literally say that we truly live in “a billion-bit techno-color” world.

The beauty of the colors that surrounds us in this world is truly beyond compare! To whoever created all these, I stand in awe of Him.

I can’t imagine what kind of a world it would be like if it did not have all the colors to color it, can you?

Do we want a world that’s actually colorless, or colored at best only in black or white for everything? I think not. In a world that has no color at all or is not colorful, what a dull and sulky world indeed that would be!

Now let me ask you this - if you can paint with all the "colors of the wind", how would you apply them in this world, on things that move as well as on those that don’t?

It would be interesting to see with every stroke you make, if you would turn the leaves to a hue of blue, and tree-trunks to charcoal black and grass that’s anything but green; a sky that’s painted cherry-pink and a sea that’s glaringly red. Oh, no! Wouldn’t that be a disaster?

The Creator to whom Christians called God the Father, the one who made all these colors possible and blended them in such harmony for man to enjoy is indeed one great Master Painter-cum-Artist and I must say, is also one with a meticulous eye for detail too.

Take a look at some of the living creatures on the face of the Earth from the macro to the micro, and you will see what I mean. Darwin did that a long time ago and wondered why but do you see it just as Darwin saw it or more?

By every means I must say, it’s a no small feat as no human being that ever lived could have done such a fantastic and marvelous job.

Now aren’t we grateful that we don’t have to live in a world that’s painted only in black and white, but in one that’s literally littered with a million and one colors of intelligent design, superbly blended in a setting that’s uniquely indescribable, just like what we see everyday in the very ordinary yet splendid “colors of the wind”?

If you care, do take time to stand and stare, and take in with every breath, all the wonders of what is not only an immensely rich and colorful world that we live in but a world, in fact a whole creation, that’s quite unlike any other, indescribably unique and intricately vibrant.

Have you wondered how is this possible? Have you wondered why?

Take a cue from the lyrics of this beautiful love song entitled, “Colors of the Wind” which was taken from a very popular animated movie made by Disney called “Pocahontas”, the video-clip courtesy of Liz20788. TQ Liz.

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